Last night I wrapped-up a two-part lecture on bankruptcy plan confirmation for Gary Marsh’s Complex Restructuring course at Emory Law. Without this blog, I likely wouldn’t have had that neat opportunity over the last few years, and I certainly wouldn’t have had so much Judge Drake content to fill up six hours of class time. And so it’s only fitting that I wish Plan Proponent a Happy Birthday! With our very first post on February 12, 2015, the blog turned 10 yesterday morning. To give that milestone some context, as of February 12, 2015:
- My wife Jessica and I were still in our 30s;
- Maddy (who starts at UGA this Fall!) and Kate were just 8 and 5;
- Obama was still President;
- Tom Brady had just won his fourth of seven Super Bowls;
- Fifty Shades of Grey would be released a day later (whether we liked it or not)
- House of Cards was still a big deal on Netflix;
- Uptown Funk was #1 on the Billboard Top 100;
- A $1,000 investment in Nvidia would now be worth close to $250,000!; and
- The Gulf of Mexico was still the Gulf of Mexico (Jessica’s joke)
I got the idea back in 2014. As a young associate, I was trying to network and “sharpen the saw” with writing. I was an avid reader of Weil’s Restructuring Blog and I also discovered those slick law blogs from LexBlog, including Scott Riddle’s Georgia Bankruptcy Blog and David Smyth’s (now shuttered) Cady Bar the Door, an SEC-related law blog. And then there was Steve Jakubowski’s Bankruptcy Litigation Blog. Steve, the OG bankruptcy blogger and whose blog turns 20 (!) this year, has been a big Plan Proponent supporter from the beginning. He switched over to LexBlog a few years ago with Bankruptcy Litigation Blog 2.0.
While we also transitioned over to LexBlog a few years ago, there is no way that Stone & Baxter was going to shell out thousands of dollars to LexBlog for my new and unproven blog hobby, although I must clarify that it’s considerably cheaper now. Thus, I spent some painful months in 2014 getting up at 4 a.m. every morning and stumbling through all of the technical aspects of setting up a blog (it was really hard back then) and trying to reverse engineer LexBlog’s slickness—forget about actually blogging.
“Would you just post something already? No one cares about which font kit you use or whether your social media ‘widgets’ are centered,” pleaded my loving and supportive wife. She was right, of course. (She also knew that I was prone to never getting started, an inclination that Steven Pressfield described so profoundly in his excellent book, The War of Art.)

(An early and rather drab prototype of Plan Proponent from 2014—I’m embarrassed to admit how difficult it was to come up with that, especially the social media icons, but, man, I sure miss those Adobe fonts that had to go bye-bye with the new mobile-responsive design.)
So following LexBlog founder Kevin O’Keefe’s extensive and super-helpful advice to lawyers about blogging and social media, I settled on the simplest of blog designs; chose Chapter 11 plan confirmation issues as my niche; looked to the ABI Commission’s recent 402 page Final Report and Recommendations for an almost endless source of initial posts about confirmation issues; and started posting. The Report kept me going for months. I may have beat it to death but the posting consistency has never been better.
Ten years, 135 posts, and 153 e-mail subscribers later, Plan Proponent is still going, even if it has slowed down over the last year or so. Indeed, an Emory student asked me last week “Is Plan Proponent ever going to make another post?” Ouch (but fair)!
Blogging is a young person’s game and is so hard to maintain without help. And so in that regard, I’m thrilled to announce that we just hired Tate Crymes, a recent Term Clerk for Judge Austin Carter. She comes to us by way of Georgia Tech and Mercer Law; she was on Law Review and is an excellent writer; and she’s excited to dive-in and help just as soon as she and her former clerk colleagues finish their Annual Bankruptcy Survey article for the Mercer Law Review. Who knows, maybe she can get us back to the bi-weekly Bankruptcy Quizzes.
In the meantime, and with minimal (but in some cases unavoidable) overlap with the 2024’s My Top 10 Favorite Posts, here is a year-by-year list of my favorites:
A huge thank you to our readers! Here’s to 10 more years! If you’d like to stay on top of important bankruptcy issues, then you can subscribe to Plan Proponent via email here.