I’m attending the annual Southeastern Bankruptcy Law Institute (SBLI) seminar in Atlanta this week. So many folks (read: maybe two people) asked me why I stopped doing the weekly bankruptcy quizzes. Worse, Prof. Ishaq Kundawala (the Southeastern Bankruptcy Law Institute and W. Homer Drake Jr. Endowed Chair in Bankruptcy Law at Mercer Law) couldn’t make it to SBLI this year but also reached out yesterday to shame me for not having posted a quiz in over six months. Thus, by “popular” demand, they’re back, but in a bi-weekly format.
And in honor of SBLI turning 50 this year after Judge Drake founded it in 1974, this week’s quiz will test how closely SBLI attendees were listening in the Thursday sessions. But don’t worry, you needn’t be an attendee this year to earn a 5 out 5 perfect score.
Click the image below to take the quiz. Have a nice weekend!

Click here for prior quizzes.
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