Back in March of 2016, Tom wrote about In re The Village at Lakeridge, LLC. In that case, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals concluded that when MPB, the debtor’s sole member and a “statutory insider,” sold its claim to Dr. Rabkin, who was not an insider, Dr. Rabkin did not inherit MPB’s insider
Plan Confirmation
Section 1129(d) and Tax Avoidance in Chapter 11 Plans
For our scintillating “Back to School” post, we’ll discuss 11 U.S.C. § 1129(d), which deals with those rare Chapter 11 plans whose “principal purpose” is the “avoidance of taxes.” For most, including judges, § 1129(d) is an afterthought. Until recently, it only crept into my practice by accident: I’ve got a 10 a.m. confirmation…
Establishing Till-compliant Interest Rates in Chapter 11 without an Expert
The Association of Insolvency & Restructuring Advisors published its 1st Quarter 2017 Journal last Friday. Richard Gaudet, of HDH Advisors, LLC, and I wrote the article titled “Till Realized: Calculating Objective Chapter 11 Cramdown Rates without Expert Testimony.” The focus of the article is on the application of the U.S. Supreme Court…
Revisiting David Cassidy and the Absolute Priority Rule
Two years ago this week–February 12, 2015 to be exact–Stone & Baxter launched Plan Proponent. 65 blog posts, 48 email subscribers, and almost 13,000 hits later, here we are. In honor of our 2 year anniversary, we figured we’d revisit one of the topics that started it all for our niche blog: the…
Happy New Year: The Best of 2016
(The Capitol from the Supreme Court on 12/30/16 via Dave’s iPhone)
Once again from my in-laws’ home in Potomac, Maryland, here’s Plan Proponent’s Best of 2016 post. With our second year in the bag, we’ll dispense with the formalities and get straight to the Top 10, link by link. In honor of our Supreme…
Delaware Judge Takes-Up Third-Party Releases in Chapter 11 Plans
Earlier this month, Judge Carey in Delaware weighed in on third-party releases in his opinion confirming the Chapter 11 bankruptcy plan for Abeinsa Holdings, Inc., et al. Back in February, we reviewed Judge Delano’s third-party release decision in HWA Properties, a Middle District of Florida case. In that case, the court refused to permit…
American Idol & The Absolute Priority Rule
Back in April, AOG Entertainment and 40+ of its favorite affiliates (collectively, “Core“) filed Chapter 11 cases in the Southern District of New York. Those cases are best known as encompassing the production companies for the “American Idol” and “So You Think You Can Dance” television shows. Recently, Law360 reported that “American…
Equitable Mootness in Chapter 11 Confirmation Appeals
Back in July, we touched on the doctrine of equitable mootness in the context of a bankruptcy settlement agreement. Last week, the Delaware District Court employed equitable mootness in its opinion dismissing a plan confirmation appeal in the Allied Nevada Gold Corp. bankruptcy. Unless an appellant can raise a valid confirmation appeal before substantial consummation…
Application of Till v. SCS Credit Corp. to Unsecured Creditors
Last month, Judge Laura Grandy, a bankruptcy judge in the Southern District of Illinois, entered confirmation opinion in STC, Inc.’s Chapter 11 case. The opinion is noteworthy for 2 reasons. First, it amounts to an excellent treatise on the Section 1129 confirmation requirements. Second, I’m honored that Judge Grandy cited in her opinion the American…
Back to Basics and the 1990s – Does the Discharge Include Alter Ego Claims?
Every once in a while, we encounter a case that forces us to ponder the potential breadth of the bankruptcy discharge. In re Lombard Flats, LLC, a Northern District of California case from March 23, 2016, is such a case. In short, the court held that an alter ego claim against a Chapter 11…