Here’s this week’s Bankruptcy Quiz. In this quiz, I’ll test which of you read the “ABI Headlines Delivered” emails from John Hartgen. Click the image to take the quiz and have a great 4th of July Week!

Click here for prior quizzes.

If you enjoyed this post and would like to be the first to

Here’s this week’s Bankruptcy Quiz. I purposefully made this one short, as entertaining as bankruptcy can get, and, I hope, “easy.” Click the image to take the quiz and enjoy!

Click here for prior quizzes.

If you enjoyed this post and would like to be the first to hear about new Bankruptcy Quizzes, then you

I don’t know about you, but I enjoy taking harmless online quizzes. “Test your knowledge of this week’s headlines” or “See how many of these movies you can recognize.” Well, I bet some of you Type A lawyers, judges, professors, and potential clients (who Googled everything about Chapter 11) fancy yourselves bankruptcy experts and want