I don’t know about you, but I enjoy taking harmless online quizzes. “Test your knowledge of this week’s headlines” or “See how many of these movies you can recognize.” Well, I bet some of you Type A lawyers, judges, professors, and potential clients (who Googled everything about Chapter 11) fancy yourselves bankruptcy experts and want to prove it.
With that in mind, I thought it would be “fun” to end each week with a Bankruptcy Quiz, at least for as long as this inexperienced quizmaster can come up with questions and (correct) answers. Thus, here’s Plan Proponent’s first weekly Bankruptcy Quiz.
This first one is confirmation-related because that’s our focus and most of these questions are the questions I posed to Gary Marsh’s students this Spring in his Emory Law Complex Restructuring class. They’re super-smart and well-taught and, motivated by prizes (including a full bag of ABI Southeast giveaways), they had no problem tackling these somewhat tricky § 1129 questions. I’ll mix it up and shorten the answers in future quizzes.
Click the image to take the quiz and enjoy!

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