
(by Elizabeth Carden of the ABI)


(by Dave’s iPhone)

The American Bankruptcy Institute held its 20th Annual Southeast Bankruptcy Workshop on Amelia Island last week. At the conference, we heard Prof. Michelle Harner, the Reporter for the ABI Commission Report, talk about the Commission’s recommendations regarding “structured dismissals.” That’s fitting because that is

This is the next post in Plan Proponent’s series on the plan confirmation-related recommendations in the ABI Commission Report (and, in particular, its Exiting the Case piece).We’ve switched over to Section F of the Report regarding “Plan Voting and Confirmation Issues.” Subsection 4, the focus of this post, addresses Plan Settlements and Compromises.



This is the next post in Plan Proponent’s series on the confirmation-related recommendations in the ABI Commission Report (and, in particular, its Exiting the Case piece).We’ve switched over to Section F of the Report regarding “Plan Voting and Confirmation Issues.” Subsection 3, the focus of this post, addresses “Designation of Voting Rights.”


Under Section

This is the next post in Plan Proponent’s series on the confirmation-related recommendations in the ABI Commission Report (and, in particular, its Exiting the Case piece).We’ve switched over to Section F of the Report regarding “Plan Voting and Confirmation Issues.” Subsection 2, the focus of this post, addresses “Assignment of Voting Rights.”


It’s not

This is the next post in Plan Proponent’s series on the confirmation-related recommendations in the ABI Commission Report (and, in particular, its Exiting the Case piece). In our prior ABI Commission post, we covered the Commission’s recommendations regarding “Exculpatory Clauses” in plans. In this post, we’ll cover the Commission’s recommendations regarding “Third-Party Releases” in